Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, November 16, 2009


This images were taken from the photo booth in the mac computers. 
i had edited the photos by just making a background and having a simple design on the background, which is a heart. 

and the font that was used is the "Maple Origins" and the words that were used are nicknames of mine and Belinda. 

Friday, November 06, 2009

The image here, is an image that I had designed using photoshop. 
This design is a mock up design for the art festival thingy. 
I had used the bit where it is a snowflake from the thumbnail of my assignment Post Punk. 

The idea of this mock-up  design to make it look like a funky and retro design with all the brushes that i have used and the colour black and white. 

Friday, September 11, 2009


We aren't just Seven people, But we are One! - Wooyoung

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


This wallpaper that i have created was my second experiment with using photoshop.
It took me a while to get all the images into place and put into shape.

The idea was to put the images of myself and Belinda into the petals.
The petals were paint brushes that i have downloaded from the internet.

How I have created the image is by cutting the images into the petals and making the image into a different colour. With the same images using it over and over again.

The image i had overlayed it into the petal and making each of the image different colours and putting them everywhere.
As you can see one of the image you can not barely see, i have done nothing to the imaage but just making it more pinkier and overlaying it.

The font that i have used is a font that i got from photoshop called karanbinE.

Friday, September 04, 2009


This is a wallpaper/image that i have created.
I have created by using photoshop, and used a paintbrush that i have downloaded from the net.
The way that i have created it is by using a browny orange colour and a light orange to make it look stand out with the background on blogger.
And i had just made one image black and white and the other making it transparent in a way.

The font that i have used is just the same as the others that i used all the time, what i did with the font is i made it transparent.

This was my first time making a wallpaper. im still not great with photoshop and still learning.

Monday, August 31, 2009


This image is taken two-three weeks ago during a monday of school day at recess when we had the 25 minutes break. 

I had edit the image by again using photoshop, the only editing that i have done on the image is just the brightness and contrasting. 
And the rest I have just added some paint brushes which was the japanese friendship symbol, showing the friendship that we had. 

I also just adjusted the way the image would go, which was a diagonal, and it i a 95 degree angle. 
The font that i have is Joyful Juliana.